Friday, July 31, 2009

somebody help me-Des

I do not have the guts to scold people yet. I just can't, and i do not know why... How... what to do.. i just can't do it.... I wanna scold the form 1 and form 2 buggers but i just can't!

Firstly, I do not know what to scold. I know what mistake they make, what offense they make, which rule they banged. But i still don know how..

Secondly, I don't know why i just can't stop laughing for a day.... or an Hour.. help!!! i need some drug to make me stop laughing.

Lastly, I'm used to my friendliness style, changing into ganas style is pretty hard for me. And i don think it will have any effects on the kids(Form1 Form 2).

Of course, i brainstormed some solution out of my precious braincells, thinking of solution to solve problems. I will use my eye! Eye is a very powerful weapon(just like cyclops in X-men..LASER COMING OUT). Other than that, face emotion.. from my common face look changing into a ganas look problems can be solved... I strongly believe that EVERYBODY WILL COOPERATE WITH ME.

Maybe i wont be as ganas as AMY KOK. I seldom shout, unless those buggers wanna fight.
but i will ganaser than AMY KOK, I will use my sister's secret weapon
Don't you mess with me.. you bugger


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