Sunday, March 14, 2010

We're back. - JaY

It's been ages since we've blogged and when stress comes banging at your door everyday, I think its time I write again.

Things have been bumpy these days and our PMO's annual trip is going to start tomorrow!
Trolak? FELDA? Well, hope its not what I think it'll be.

Exams have taken a whole chunk of life out of me and I think everyone else, this year's first exam has left me breathless. Time's been suffocating me these days as breathing gets harder~ ( just a random lyric. ) x)

LoLs this post looks so formal @@ gonna put more emotions la XD

Hmmmmmmmm.... is blogging a public diary or just a place to crap?
Lol... I dunno what to write here...

a. public diary
b. crap

which one should I choose.... hmmmmm.....


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