Saturday, June 6, 2009

Pmo Camp > [part 1- Our Beginning ] - JaY

Approximately one month before 2nd of June.
The pmo room was filled with form 4's - A beginning to our 2009 pmo camp meetings.

The meetings went through smoothly, as they all say,

Ideas were collected, advice was seeked, discussions were held, dicisions were made, actions were taken, man power was used, sweat was driped, energy was lost, well you get my point.

Months became weeks, until weeks became days

29 April, Friday
Right after exams, all the preparations were fast forwarded, everything had to be done, checked, and double checked.

Most of us stayed back on friday. Pmo hall was filled with people fiddling with their own little projects, everyone had something to do.

Our hot games, which consisted our our group leader shin yi, des, tian yun, me..... and others dunnoe hu..
Our hot games was an obstacle course at first, but throught discussion, we decided we wanted something better, massiver, greater, something all the pmo members have never seen ever! something that could make a mark in pmo camp history!
YeaH, thats what we needed! Something to blow everyone's mind away, make them shocked till their gaps drop!

Through the mist of discussion, our massive plan came out.
A obstacle course in disguise as a massive maze! (or something like that... lol)
In the beginning, outr maze was to 16 x 9 lanes, which was about 16meters long ( like 2/10 of 100m sprinting lanes), we thought like damn long 1, but then when we took the measurements to the field, it seemed.... so small.
So we enlarged it...
the evolution of our maze
16x9 lanes > 20x10 lanes > 36x 10 lanes > 36x20 lanes > 46x16 lanes

46x16 lanes was our proud final product, with a size of approximately 69.3 x 24.3 meters.
Amazed? we were too.

The plan for making at first was with newspaper, but in the end, with the reason of insufficient man power, we turned to our alternative - strings

The last 4 days of preperation was plain energy draining. All form 4's worked their battered souls to their limits.

Me and des worked our numb minds till we went siao. Think think think think till mind oso hang gei, lol. On one of those 4 days, me and des stayed back to do something (i forgot wat was it), withour even finishing what we set up to do, we went haywire, LOL. both of us were lying on the pmo hall floor, playing dominoes, making buildings...... &.............. silly laughing..... lol... 2 siao gia
[that day we really think no reach, we not gay... XD]

Days finally became hours.

As hours by hours went by, the last day of preparation came without a slight signal. We were all caught up with final preperations. Des and me were still working on his trojan horse thingy early evening tht day. gosh, last day d, still haven finished!

Well, i've gotta say this des, even though u'll say me gay. But i really admire your "yi hei" man. Me and des stay till like late for the 4 days. We both everyday go IPOH makan dinner till they also know us d... lol.. Anyway, thx dedicated pal.

Silent moments went by, the pmo hall was still filled with people till like 6 something... then the people started to go home to rest their battered down souls, and get some rest for our 3day 2niight camp.

By nightfall, me and des had just cleared most of our to-do list stuff. All had to see the 1st night of our camp to get this started for our maze.

Our Beginning


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